You Can Revive Your Marriage, even if you’re the only one trying!
Mike told Debra “Things just aren’t the same anymore… we’ve lost the passion for each other, and I think it’s time to divorce and move on…” Debra felt crushed. She knew he had been losing some interest in her but was hoping it wouldn’t come to this. She loved him, but what could she do when he just wasn’t that into her anymore? Can you fix your marriage when Things can get stale and in a rut between any two people. This kind of marriage problem kills couples off every day the world over. But using some Relationship Intelligence you’re about to discover, Debra had a simple talk with Mike. It took less than ten minutes. She followed it up by changing one thing and they were back in love within a week. She and Mike are now having more fun than ever before. You can learn exactly what she said in the talk to win back his heart. Debra used some powerful Relationship Intelligence with Mike. Learn it, and you can turn relationship problems into breakthroughs. Because, as we all find out It’s easier to fall in love Marriage problems happen all the time for all kinds of reasons. One mate not that into the other anymore is just one common kind of trouble, but it can be anything. Constant fighting and arguing. One spouse cheats on the other or wrongs them in some way. Or one of you is too controlling and the other feels smothered. Here’s another all too common scenario: Jen’s husband screwed up. He cheated on her and got caught. Jason begged and pleaded with her to give him another chance. “It meant nothing, it’s you I really love!” But Jennifer said what most women in this situation feel: “No Way, I can never trust you again!” Both of them were hurt and feeling miserable and headed towards divorce. She didn’t want to throw the marriage away but she wasn’t going to live with a man she couldn’t trust. And, she had the kids to think about! Jen felt betrayed and could see no way to get back to the feelings of love for her man. Was there anyway to save her marriage, get over feelings of betrayal, and make her marriage cheat proof? Was there any relationship advice for her? Jason had lost his love over a “meaningless” fling. Did he deserve a second chance? Was there any relationship help for him? But what if you can repair your relationship, even for the worst of transgressions? Using the information you’re about to discover, Jen had a short step by step conversation with her soon to be ex husband that took less than ten minutes. In that 7 Step discussion something remarkable happened for Jen. She actually began to feel like maybe she could trust him again. So they called off the lawyers and stayed together. Yes, they still have some things to work on, but they got back together because Jen learned some specific Relationship Intelligence to help them both get past a marriage wrecker. What if you could not only revive your marriage in the process build a stronger love relationship than you had before? It happens a lot, and it can happen for you. What if you could move beyond any and all past mistakes made between you? My name is John Laney and I teach courses on Relationship and Emotional Intelligence. I’ve written a book called The Train Your Mate System for Having the Relationship You Want. This book is a complete system that will take you by the hand and walk you through exactly how to fix any marital issue step by step. Husband or wife, whatever your situation, you can learn the Train Your Mate System within minutes and put it to work to have the marriage you want starting today. You can learn exactly what to say and do to turn relationship problems into breakthroughs. Even if you’re the only one trying. Even if your spouse doesn’t seem cooperative. You see, relationships deal in Emotional Logic. Learn this, and seemingly “all by yourself” you can get the love back and turn conflict into caresses. Yes, we all know that it takes two to fight, but it only takes one to start a shift in the relationship. If you use some powerful Relationship Intelligence, you can be “the one” that turns things around! Jen used some compelling Emotional Intelligence to give Jason a real second chance. The 7 Step Trust Rebuilder is perfect for some situations. It is powerful and it will help you to move beyond mistakes with your love much more quickly. Debra had to use a very different kind of Emotional Logic to win back Mike’s love. Even after Mike said the dreaded words “Maybe we can still be friends.” And, she had a lot of fun doing it. I am going to give you in this letter one of the first useful foundations of Relationship Intelligence. It’s coming right up. But first, please understand It’s Not Hopeless! Look. If you’re having some marriage problems, I know it’s a hard time. A troubled relationship is an emotional hurricane of very difficult feelings to deal with. Heartache. Sadness. Loneliness. Desperation. In Jen’s case betrayal and shame and in Debra’s case sadness and grief. Marriages can trigger not just love but some of the worst feelings in our lives. You can cry at the drop of a hat. You can feel miles apart even when you’re in the same room. You wonder what it’s doing to the kids. Hear a love song on the radio and feel crushing heartache. Fly into a rage over the littlest of things. But what if you could win back your love? What if you could not only begin to repair the damage but learn some simple methods to have more love than ever before? But how?? Is there some secret recipe to making it happen? Is there some code proven by others that you could learn to not just repair things but create the relationship help you want? The Code can be called EQ. EQ stands for Emotional Intelligence, a key part of Relationship Intelligence. Jen had a tough problem to overcome, right? Cheating is one of the biggest marriage killers in the world. She loved Jason but wondered if she could ever trust him again. What can you do if that’s the case? Man or woman - whether you wronged your mate or they wronged you - learning some amazing EQ can help you not just repair the damage but make your relationship cheat proof. Debra had a different problem to solve. When you've lost the passion and your spouse just isn’t that into you anymore, there is something missing. Most couples just divorce after a while. After all, the love seems like its gone, right? But in reality all you need is a different kind of EQ to discover and provide what’s missing. You need Emotional
And, when you try to talk about relationship problems with your spouse, what if it gets no better, or even worse? Do they seem more distant or angry ? That’s okay, because We can make a lot of mistakes in a marriage, like
Some friendly advice? Stop doing those things. They’re bad Emotional Logic, and will drive your mate even further away! How to Have the Marriage Like I said, I teach Emotional and Relationship Intelligence courses. And one of the first things you learn working with people on relationships is It’s easier to fall in
love than to stay in love! Staying in love and loving happily ever is a challenge for all of us – over 50% of marriages end up in divorce! Staying in love requires a set of relationship skills they never taught us in school. Did you get to take any classes on loving happily ever after? Relationships are the most important things in our lives, and yet we never got one class in school on how to make them work! I said I was going to give you some foundational Relationship Intelligence and here we go. First, all relationships have breakdowns. You know what a breakdown is - Fights, arguments, upsets, distancing. It’s gonna happen in all relationships. Well, since millions of couples every day have breakdowns in their relationship, many studies have been done to see what works and what doesn’t work when couples have problems. After all, there are lots of opportunities to observe this, right?
But both attacking
and They keep the upset from being resolved! And, attacking and withdrawing both damage the quality of the marriage. But if you’re like most people, you’re stuck! You probably know that attacking/forcing your mate doesn’t work. And surely you’ve figured out that the “silent treatment” and being cold and distant and withholding sex isn’t working either. What else can you do? Well, just as studies have figured out what doesn’t work, there are also several things people do to resolve issues that work. The Train Your Mate System in the book will walk you through how to get what you want and have breakthroughs in your marriage even if you are the only one trying. That’s right, even if your mate seems uninterested in changing anything, using some simple Emotional Logic and Relationship Intelligence you can start bringing the love back to your relationship today. There is a powerful, humorous, 4 step Quick Change Method to accomplish just this that anyone can learn in minutes. The Train Your Mate System also includes the Love Multiplier. Using some of the latest discoveries in Relationship Intelligence, you can increase the love both of you actually feel in the relationship. You can feel 10 times the love. Really, and all it takes is 5 minutes or so a day. No relationship should be without this. It can actually "fight and cheat proof" your marriage. It contains a complete course on Turning Conflict Into Caresses. This is Relationship Intelligence not available anywhere else. And, how about how to stop fighting at the source, before it begins? You can learn exactly how to do that to. I’ve been studying and teaching about breakdowns in relationships for years now. I’ve coached lots of people on how to not just fix relationship problems but take things to the next level. And one of the most interesting things I’ve learned is this: a few powerful conversations that take less than ten minutes can begin to get most couples past big problems. Whether its loss of passion or fighting or
cheating. Often times, just ten minutes of the right kind of Emotional
Logic can begin to win back your love. No begging or pleading. No
yelling or forcing. No being a doormat. No more being cold and distant.
The Emotional Intelligence involved in getting the love back can be
learned in minutes from the book
This book gives you an astonishing system for getting the best out of your marriage using the latest Relationship Intelligence. Even if you’re the only one trying. Even if your spouse or your relationship is stuck in a rut. You can absolutely create instant breakthroughs in the quality of your love life, starting in just 10 minutes. Will everything be fixed in 10 minutes? No, obviously not. But in just ten minutes you can begin to get past any big problems and within days be well on your way to having exactly the relationship you both want – even if your partner won’t talk about or doesn’t seem interested in working on the relationship at all. The Train Your Mate System isn’t about trying to manipulate your mate into doing what you want. It isn’t about gimmicks like wearing sexier lingerie to try to rekindle interest. Trying to manipulate or trick your mate into change is a flimsy plan that won’t get your real love..
Want proof that it works? I realize this might be starting to sound like some overhyped sales pitch and you may be skeptical. Having worked with tons of couples, I can honestly tell you that this is marriage advice we all need. I’m passionate about getting the word out. It does make a difference. Everyone should have it. Hopefully someday it will be taught in schools. But here’s some “proof” from satisfied clients:
Let me be clear. The Train Your Mate System is not about using some tricks or gimmicks to try to manipulate your mate. It is about some of the latest Relationship Intelligence for getting more of what you both want. Love, romance, play and partnership. They didn’t teach us this stuff in school. But it works even if you’re the only one that seems to be trying to fix things.
We weren’t taught any P.S. It took me years to learn this stuff. You can learn it in minutes. And if you’re suffering from relationship problems shouldn’t you have the latest Relationship Intelligence techniques available to get the love back into your life? People have used Emotional Logic to stop a divorce dead in its tracks, so this will work for your situation too. Wouldn’t you benefit for the rest of your life if you knew clearly how to repair your marriage? P.P.S. Time can be your biggest enemy with marriage problems. The longer they linger, the more difficult they can be to overcome. Taking action now can prevent this problem.
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